Friday, December 9, 2011

Housekeeping and Adjustments

Wow, have I really neglected this since late June?  That kind of hurts.  I almost thought I'd open the page to find cobwebs clumped into the corners.  Consider this a good old-fashioned dusting off.

Obviously, I'm going to have to revise my outlook of this if I'm going to keep it moving in a steady fashion.  I really do want this here blog to help with my scholarly development, but I'm going to have to use it for more than just that.  So, against my original plans, I'm going to include personal life updates and creatively-driven pursuits on here in addition to my academic writing.  If anything, that will help me keep up with my creative projects (which have also stagnated in recent months) and keep me in the habit of writing more often.  As a rule of best practice, I really should be writing on a daily basis, and I've clearly failed in that respect.  For those of you that did read the previous posts, thanks for your support!  Feel free to spread the word about this little blog or share links to posts with your friends (I wouldn't mind seeing more discussion on that Set Your Goals piece).

This will only be the first post that I put up here today.  Later on, after I get some research done for another paper I need to write, I'll be posting the final essay I wrote for my Critical Approaches to Literature class, focusing on Occupy Wall Street, and why it has potential to enact social change.  Fair warning: it's about eleven pages in MS Word.

Thanks for the patience.  Expect more in the future.  Hold me to it.

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